Welcome to a solo episode about a very important topic: Focusing on Your ONE Thing. This episode is an outgrowth of one of my personal goals for 2017, which is to read one business-related book per month. I’ve already read a book that has impacted me greatly and changed the way I approach my business. The book is The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. The book hones in on the principle that successful businesses with innovative products and services focus on one project at a time, instead of going in many different directions at once. Learn how these principles can positively impact your business. Join me!   You can read the full show notes at www.sellingthecouch.com/session108

Mentioned in this episode:

Check Out PsycCareers!

If you’re a psychology professional who is ready to take the next step in their career, check out PsycCareers, the American Psychological Association Services, Inc’s career center. PsycCareers is home to over 400 open positions tailored specifically for psychology professionals. Start your journey today by exploring opportunities that inspire and challenge you at sellingthecouch.com/apa.