Tips to build a insurance0free practice.  Can you build a private pay practice in this day and age?  That is the question that Keri Nola and I explore in Session 4 of the Selling the Couch podcast.  Keri’s a licensed psychotherapist who helps therapists build the private practice of their dreams.  In this episode, you’ll learn about: How to overcome the fear of telling a client that you’re private pay, how to use “out of network benefits” for a client who wants to use their insurance, what to say to clients when discussing an increase in fees, how often to consider increasing fees, and how do setup a practice so you can increase fees as demand increases.
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Tips to build a insurance0free practice.  Can you build a private pay practice in this day and age?  That is the question that Keri Nola and I explore in Session 4 of the Selling the Couch podcast.  Keri’s a licensed psychotherapist who helps therapists build the private practice of their dreams.  In this episode, you’ll learn about: How to overcome the fear of telling a client that you’re private pay, how to use “out of network benefits” for a client who wants to use their insurance, what to say to clients when discussing an increase in fees, how often to consider increasing fees, and how do setup a practice so you can increase fees as demand increases.