As I’m moving back into clinical work, I’m compelled to do more clinical-related podcasts. Today’s session fits that bill as it delves into psychedelic psychotherapy, an area of clinical work that is exploding with interesting potential. There is a lot to navigate within this topic; join us to learn more!

Our Featured Guest

Keith Kurlander

Keith Kurlander is the co-founder of the Integrative Psychiatry Institute (IPI) and the co-host of the Higher Practice Podcast. The IPI is the largest training provider of clinicians in psychedelic psychotherapy. In this conversation, we explore psychedelic psychiatry, the drugs available for use, and the causes of the recent surge in this field. We also discuss the practical cautions and considerations for therapists. 

Keith's Website and The Integrative Psychiatry Institute

You’ll Learn:

A simple definition that helps us understand psychedelic psychotherapyCauses of the recent surge of interest in this field and a briefing on the history and current researchThe current mental health crisis is changing the landscape of mental health care!Right now is an opportune time for therapists to get on board with psychedelic psychotherapy and get their training.The differences between traditional talk therapy modalities and psychedelic psychotherapyA glimpse into the often uncomfortable intensity of a psychedelic psychotherapy sessionThe logistics of a psychedelic psychotherapy session around the length of sessions and payment/insurance parametersCommon psychedelic psychotherapy medications: ketamine, psilocybin, and LSDThe type of client who is well-suited for psychedelic psychotherapy


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