Two questions confront me daily: How big do I actually want to grow STC? What is the purpose of STC in relation to my overall life? Freedom is my most important value, and building my business around my life, family, and health is most important to me. Not every entrepreneur has the same goals, but these are questions for every entrepreneur to consider. Let’s take a closer look in today’s session!

You’ll Learn:

How I was compromising to fit life around my business instead of optimizing the business to fit the life I wanted5 key concepts I learned from Paul Jarvis in his book, Company of One:Companies of one reject limitless growth.We should set firm growth limits to keep opportunity costs small.Companies of one are okay with limited success.More profits mean more productivity, sales, customers, and infrastructure to manage.Develop your business out of a side gig.Your business needs time to incubate and grow so you can devote yourself to it full time.Target a specific audience to find your niche.The more specific your target is, the easier it is to connect, build trust, and distinguish your audience’s needs.Embrace the power of simplicity and personality.Amplify your uniqueness by sharing your most powerful asset: yourself and your personality. 


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