Building relationships with journalists can be an open door to having your work featured, spotlighted, and available to a wider audience. The opportunities and possibilities are endless, but how do we build those authentic relationships? I hope this session will be helpful and informative for you as we learn more from today’s guest!

Our Featured Guest

Aisha R. Shabazz

Aisha R. Shabazz is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Philadelphia area. In addition, she is a private practice strategist, business coach, and strategic consultant for leaders in the mental health industry. In today’s conversation, she shares her business journey and how imposter syndrome plagued her as she put her talents out into the world. She discusses pitfalls that therapists encounter, along with how we can work through our insecurities in building relationships with journalists. 

You’ll Learn:

How the pursuit of her dream job naturally progressed into Aisha’s learning to promote herself in media coverageHow a comment on a LinkedIn post by Arianna Huffington became the impetus for Aisha to fulfill her dreamsWhy “the page is not judging you” and “start small” became overriding mindsets in Aisha’s writing endeavorsWhat kept holding Aisha back from putting her writing out into the worldHow HARO (Help A Reporter Out) provides an outlet for bloggers and business owners to get featured in publications and news outletsThree tips from Aisha on building relationships with journalists:Starting with HARO is advantageous because there is an established structure to the process.Realize that there is no guarantee of a good ROI with every opportunity you pursue; look at it as “planting seeds” and waiting for long-term results. Realize that not every opportunity will contribute to your SEO; some will boost your positive impact in the world. Why your goal should be to serve a larger purpose in the world rather than to seek constant external validation for your workWhy the best starting point is something that lights you up with excitementWhat Aisha’s goals are for her podcast, Beyond the Session


Connect with Aisha: Website

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