When I was a first-time course creator in 2015, I was excited and scared at the same time. The tension around building fast or building thoughtfully was difficult to navigate. In today’s session, I’m discussing three important questions that I wish I had asked myself back then. 

You’ll Learn:

3 questions to ask before launching your online course:

Do I want a “strip mall or a skyscraper”? (This concept comes from a session with Nathan Barry of ConvertKit and Jay Klaus of Creator Science.)

Both models require energy in different ways, and both have several benefits and challenges. The key question to ask: What do I want to optimize for?Why I have gone from a strip mall to a skyscraper mode

Where should I focus my marketing?

Focus on one platform at a time.Remember that it takes time to build trust and rapport. 

How can I validate my online course?

The secret is to validate with paying students each step of the way.Take a long-term view and grow slowly with care, intention, and thoughtfulness.


Want to launch your online course?

Please check out our free 7-Day Course Creator Starter Kit For Therapists: https://sellingthecouch.com/coursekit

Looking to launch a successful podcast?

Please check out our free "Using Podcasting To Grow Your Business" workshop for therapists:


Mentioned in this episode:

Check Out PsycCareers!

If you’re a psychology professional who is ready to take the next step in their career, check out PsycCareers, the American Psychological Association Services, Inc’s career center. PsycCareers is home to over 400 open positions tailored specifically for psychology professionals. Start your journey today by exploring opportunities that inspire and challenge you at sellingthecouch.com/apa.