The pandemic and months of quarantine have many of us relying more than ever on video. We use video for meetings, live sessions, live-streaming, and other content, so it’s important to have the best quality possible. Join us to learn more.

Michael Rothermel is my videographer who filmed the welcome video for STC back in 2017. We were part of the same faith community while Michael lived in the Philly area, and I can’t believe I haven’t had him on the show until now. He’ll share his top tips to improve the quality of live videos.


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If you’re a psychology professional who is ready to take the next step in their career, check out PsycCareers, the American Psychological Association Services, Inc’s career center. PsycCareers is home to over 400 open positions tailored specifically for psychology professionals. Start your journey today by exploring opportunities that inspire and challenge you at