As clinicians, we occupy a unique role as we hold space for the grief of our clients while still navigating our own grief and disappointment in a time like this pandemic crisis. These times make us think differently about how we serve our clients, which makes today’s show about text-based therapy very relevant. Can it be used in an ethical and effective way?

Bill Hudenko is a professor at Dartmouth College in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. He also teaches at Dartmouth’s School of Medicine and is the CEO of Trusst Health, a company that developed an app called Trusst. The app came about as the result of research Bill conducted at Dartmouth about the efficacy of text-based therapy and whether it can work well for certain populations. Our conversation brings fascinating knowledge and insight as we cover a range of topics. Bill explains his research, how the Trusst app works, and what the benefits are to using this medium.



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