Have you ever neglected your own needs to work with your clients? Have you sacrificed time for personal self-care to squeeze in “one more client”? Most clinicians are probably guilty of this behavior, called Sacrificial Helping Syndrome. I know what it is because I have lived it, as most other clinicians have done also. Let’s address this common problem in today’s conversation.

My guest is Katie Vernoy, LMFT, in Torrance, CA. Many clinicians struggle with giving so much of themselves because they see overexerting themselves and taking on too much as a badge of honor. They also see it as a measure of competence and success. Katie sheds insight on this common problem and how we can see it in ourselves and be honest in addressing it. We also discuss how to maintain the balance of being a helper and a healer with a kind heart and being a business owner at the same time.

You can read the full show notes at: Session167

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