Today’s solo episode topic may be one you’ve thought a lot about, or it may be something that hasn’t crossed your mind. We are discussing the ins and outs of creating a membership site, something that comes up frequently in discussions in the STC Facebook community. It’s something I’ve been trying to figure out over the past 13 months.

We are talking about what goes into creating a membership site, how to launch it, how to create it, and more. I’m sharing the lessons I’ve learned along the way, and I really hope this closer look at creating a membership site is helpful for you, either right now, or as something you might utilize in the future.Join us!

Mentioned in this episode:


Thrizer is a payment platform designed for private pay therapists, built to help clients automatically tap into their out-of-network benefits and save on therapy upfront. Thrizer can help instantly verify clients’ out-of-network benefits ahead of a client’s first session, so they get the transparency upfront on their out-of-pocket costs. When therapists charge their clients via Thrizer, an out-of-network claim is automatically submitted for them, so no need to deal with superbills. Best part? After meeting their deductible, clients have the option to just pay their co-insurance portion for sessions while Thrizer floats the rest of the therapist’s fee and waits for reimbursement on the client’s behalf, helping clients afford therapy upfront. Please visit enter the promo code “STC” and receive waived fees for your first $2500 in charges.

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