Let’s be honest, there’s plenty in life to complain about. From money problems, to relationships with difficult people, health issues, and many other things, there’s plenty to complain about.  Finding ways to be thankful can definitely be a challenge.  But science shows constant complaining is not only unattractive, it can be unhealthy.  So how do […]

Let’s be honest, there’s plenty in life to complain about. From money problems, to relationships with difficult people, health issues, and many other things, there’s plenty to complain about.  Finding ways to be thankful can definitely be a challenge.  But science shows constant complaining is not only unattractive, it can be unhealthy.  So how do you go about being thankful when all you want to do is complain?  Al and Steve talk about that, and share some Thanksgiving stories in this installment of the Selling for Life Podcast!

Check out this ConEquip instant classic, the ConEquip Turkey Hunt!