Paul is back with a second installment of Free Plus Shipping strategies for making the most of this innovative selling strategy.

Since the last episode Paul has had many requests for examples of free + shipping products

So here is one – A pillow with glitter that wipes off to show some wording underneath.

Free plus Shipping failures to lookout for The Free plus Shipping customer mindset is very different to Amazon customers They don’t go to Facebook to ‘buy’ that’s why the low-cost product works as an impulse buy Whereas people on Amazon, they will pay what they want for the stuff they want on Amazon And they have a ‘ready to buy’ mindset, they go to Amazon with their credit card out Some of these people do not have Amazon accounts! One customer even asked Paul to reset their Amazon password so he could use it


Instagram affects free plus shipping – a friend of Paul’s has 5.2m people on Instagram and made 15k in 4 days by sending out a link to his Instagram followers He had 20 copycats straight away – short term burst off of this Influencer traffic is good for short-bursts, If Paul sees that his ‘upsells’ are doing well, Paul will create a new funnell around that offer....

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