If you’re an entrepreneur or manage a busy team you know what it feels like to not have enough minutes in the day.  What changes would make your business run smoother?  Do you need to expand your team and delegate tasks?   What about setting up standard procedures operationalize workflows?

Answering these questions is the start of unlocking operational efficiency.

My guest today is Susan Boles. Susan is a Virtual CFO and Finance and Operations Coach for small businesses at ScaleSpark. She focuses on helping businesses get clear on their numbers and truly understand their inner workings at a deeper level so they can make decisions from a place of intention and purpose, instead of panic.  

Susan has over a decade of experience as a CFO and software consultant.  She's also hosts the Break the Ceiling podcast, where she’s breaking down unconventional strategies you can use to save time, boost your profit, and increase your operational capacity.

Today we discuss:

Fallacy of Team Expansion: We often think that increasing personnel will help improve team efficiency.  But Susan states this is not always to case, in fact increasing team bloat can slow down workflow if proper systems aren’t in place. eativity: Performing creative tasks can be daunting when starting from point zero.  Susan talks about creating from a structure environment and how to funnel our creative energies efficiently. Sales Operations: Susan shares insight why first-time entrepreneurs will often want to hire out for their companies sales roles.  She argues this is actually the last role you should give up doing. 

I can’t wait for you to listen in and to learn to create systems that set you free as Susan Boles shows us her way.

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