Doctor.  Lawyer.  Teacher.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  Reports suggest the average person will change careers 5-7 times over the course of their working life.  This doesn’t necessarily mean it take 7 tries to find the right job for you, but instead is proof positive that we as humans are constantly evolving.

Who you are today is not the same person you were when you started in your career or industry.  How are you different? What has changed for you since then? What do you want now?  Do you still want the same things?

If we’re not asking ourselves these key questions we run the risk of living a life that limits our potential and impact, lacks fulfillment and worse, ends up being one that is filled with regret. 

My guest today Michelle Arpin Begina Advisor.  An author and speaker, Michelle has used the money lessons from her life to rethink how financial advisors and their clients have traditionally worked together.  

Rather than thinking of her role as a gatekeeper of portfolios, she sees real value in being a gateway to personal financial freedom.  

 Michelle is a technician of financial planning, investment, and wealth management. But what differentiates Michelle from other financial advisors is that she has spent the last two-plus decades studying the unconventional, non-financial aspects of life satisfaction, financial therapy, behavioral bias, choice, and decision advising. 

Today We discuss: 

Career Path: Michelle shares the road that lead her to financial planning and the role money plays in people’s lives.  We discuss staying open to opportunity as you work towards your dream career. Finding Your Niche: As a financial planner Michelle has utilized some unorthodox approaches to attracting clients.  She shares her advice for finding a career niche and the importance of staying authentic.   Navigating the Second Half of Your Career: Who you wanted to be when you started your career, often shifts to claiming and owning who you are in the second half.  Michelle tells us how she figured out to own her value and answer the question “what do you do?” with more than a job title. 

I can’t wait for you to listen in and to learn to create your dream career as Michelle Arpin Begina shows us her way. 

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