Fear based selling has become the norm. And just because it’s become the norm, it doesn’t mean it’s normal. Normal is defined as: conforming to a standard, typical or an expected, average condition. With the current environment of living through a pandemic many want life to get back to normal. While I too am craving normal – how do we actually define it? Is doing what was familiar and routine define normal?  Is going back to what was even though it wasn’t working – define normal? Today we’re being presented with a window of opportunity 

How do you navigate in these uncertain times, while moving forward to make the world, our communities and families better?

Normal doesn’t mean better. What we’re often referring to when we say normal is – we are willing to forgo something better and different for the sake safety and familiarity.

Today’s guest, Janet Lee Founder of The Story Co  a consulting firm that helps business owners zero in on their Purpose Brand tells us how a purpose will give you your north star as you move forward during this challenging and fear-based selling tempting times. 

This post EP 2: Let's Refuel! Find Your Purpose and Reach Your Potential with Janet Lee appeared first on Sell From Love.