She is an authority on addiction and offers the Freedom from Addiction program. She's a master on how to make rapid and massive change in your mind, body and spiritual life. Specializing in addiction work, she uses hypnotherapy and NLP to transform the way drug and alcohol addiction is treated. Please welcome Wendi Friesen to STRS.

As a  flat broke single mother of two, with no resources, money, help or partners, my next guest created a transformation business for devoted followers who seek real change. Since '94, she has transformed literally millions of people's lives all over the world with her teachings, She is considered one of the most loved transformational trainers in the world.


 - What is wrong with rehab and 12 step. 

 - The Financial Abundance program is a well loved experience and goes deep into the hidden issues that hold you back. 

 - No matter what your issue is that holds you back, there could be a simple way to get to the root cause and resolve it.

 - Watch how you talk to yourself, what your inner voice is saying that might the cause of many of life's difficult