Jonathan George is known as "The Human Hitmaker" for his ability to see people's untapped potential, his methods for pulling that potential to the surface, and his ability to cultivate it into greatness. As the CEO of JG Entertainment, Jonathan has spent the past 2 decades coaching, branding and launching some of the biggest young rockstars in the entertainment industry as well as creating rockstar brands for top influencers and entrepreneurs. 


 - How do you discover your superpowers?

 - How can you turn your flaws into strengths while being "Flawesome?"

 - Learn how to get unshakeable confidence in just 3 steps

 - What's the #1 thing Jonathan has seen that keeps people from achieving their dreams?

 - 2 simple things you can implement RIGHT NOW to build your confidence

 - How to unleash the power of your personal brand in the workforce

 - Success is really only made up of 20% talent (so where does the other 80% come from?

 - What is the "Unleash Your Rockstar" Movement