The deals are coming back, but the economy is shifting rapidly. How do you find and land a self storage deal during a time of uncertainty? 

The ability to execute and find good deals is coming back (we discussed this in the last episode). Now is the time to buy. And buyers and sellers are both facing massive industry changes in deal flow. Deal flow is increasing, and this affects prices, margin, contracts, and how brokers approach closing these deals. 

We're taking you through the experience of a few of our past deals and some of the big red flags we see.

What makes a GOOD deal and what should you avoid? Find out in this episode of Self Storage Income.

Our guide for what to do on Closing Day:

Thread on financing: 

Grab my audiobook Growing Wealth in Self Storage for FREE: 

Our partners:

Janus International -

Live Oak Bank -

Tenant Inc. -

Want to invest in storage without dealing with the day-to-day operations and management? Learn more about our syndication company Cedar Creek here:

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