Hey there, fellow bloggers and travel enthusiasts! Get ready for an awesome conversation today as I sit down with the incredible Matt Kepnes, better known as Nomadic Matt, to chat all about turning your beloved blog into a fantastic book.

We'll be diving into the nitty-gritty details with a lighthearted and casual vibe. So, grab your favorite cup of joe, kick back, and let's get into it!

First off, Matt spills the beans on the key differences between writing for your blog and penning a captivating book. Trust me, folks, it's not as simple as copy-pasting your blog posts into a manuscript. Matt's got some amazing insights to share!

Now, get this—Matt discovered a little secret about traditional publishers: they don't exactly handle the whole book marketing gig for you. But fear not, fellow bloggers-turned-authors! Matt reveals his game-changing strategies for getting your book out there and hitting the esteemed New York Times bestseller list. Yep, he's got the inside scoop, my friends!

And guess what? We've got even more in store for you during this episode. We'll be dishing out tips, tricks, and hilarious anecdotes about the wild world of travel and blogging. Whether you're an aspiring author or a travel enthusiast, this episode is an absolute must-listen!

So, join me and Matt as we crack open the treasure chest of knowledge on turning your blog into a fantastic book. Trust me, folks, you won't want to miss this one! Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!

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Must-watch episodes:

SPS 044: Using A Free + Shipping Book Funnel with Anik Singal SPS 115: Using Atomic Habits To Write & Publish A Book with James Clear SPS 127: Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Which You Should Choose with Ruth Soukup SPS 095: The Five Love Languages: Selling 15 Million Copies with Gary Chapman SPS 056: How I Sold 46M Copies of My Self Published Book with Robert Kiyosaki