This week on Author Spotlight Podcast 🎙 join Self Publish -N- 30 Days Engagement Coordinator Leas Swander as she takes you behind the scenes into the private life of Author and Advocate for Trichotillomania: the Hair-Pulling disorder, Barbara Lally

At the age of 10, Barbara Lally developed a disorder called trichotillomania. Trichotillomania, or “trich” for short, is a body-focused repetitive disorder (BFRB) that causes one to pull out his or her own body hair without being able to stop. This incurable disorder affects up to 2% of the total population and has been with Barbara the majority of her life. In The Trichster Diaries, Barbara takes you on her journey toward self-acceptance. The story begins through the eyes of a scared, insecure, little girl and finishes through the eyes of Barbara now, a grown woman who has worked hard to accept herself and a disorder that she cannot change. Through all of the ups and the downs, the triumphs and failures, one powerful message shines through: Self-acceptance IS attainable.

 Social Media:

Instagram - @TheTrichsterDiaries & @AuthorBarbaraLally

 Website -

 Link to book: The Trichster Diaries

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