You can’t speak with Amanda and not be touched. The definition of kindness and giving. Everything we believe here in the world of shared humanity. Amanda share’s the story of her coma, of learning to tan and walk again, and how this very coma helped create passive income for her, and inspire her new career path. And she shares how you can do it, too, without being in a coma! I feel blesses to be a part of Amanda’s world. I hope you will, too. 


Contact information:


Tips from today's interview:

1. Focus on a niche you are passionate about that people are looking for information on.


2. Start with a generic keyphrase and then niche down to add those tags to your videos (also works for your webpages!)

Go to and and type in your main keyphrase in the search bar, then look at what suggestions come up. Those are the main searches for your main keyphrase that people are looking for!


3. Use free tools like Tubebuddy and VidIQ to see how many people are searching for those keyphrases compared to how many other videos are already focusing on those keyphrases. When you're just beginning use keyphrases with a lot of searches and not a lot of competing videos!


4. Quality over Quantity. Give valuable content that is engaging, don't worry about special effects, lighting, etc. Just give the goods! Make it worth their time watching! Audiences are very forgiving on poor visual quality as long as the content is highly relevant and valuable to them!


5. Learn even more ninja tricks to ranking on the first pages of YouTube and Google for Free by signing up for Amanda's upcoming Free YouTube Success Secrets masterclass:



