Getting overwhelmed? Stressed in your daily or work life? Feeling anxious about the state of the world? The last thing in the world you should do is to take a Self-Love BREAK. Instead, give yourself a Self-Love Breather and work through the feelings. In fact, if you feel you need a break from Self-Love, then it's likely you need to give yourself time off from all the other things in your life that are making you feel stressed, overwhelmed, tired, and anxious. Self-Love is the cure for those feelings, not the cause! Because life can (and will) get hectic, it's actually wise to schedule in Self-Love Resets as part of your healthy Self-Love practice. Start by taking a breather--meaning, take a day or a week to notice how you're feeling and how you're behaving and whether those feelings and behaviors track with what you know to be true about a healthy Self-Love practice. If not, adjustments can be made without losing steam or focus. Breathe. Check-in. Pause. But don't take a break from Self-Love!! Continue to love yourself, no matter what.