Just when we think we've addressed all the cultural barriers to a healthy self-love practice, someone accuses us of being "selfish" when we prioritize our own needs. Say no to an expectation you didn't agree to in the first place? You're seen as selfish. Stay home instead of attending an event that you don't have time or energy for? You're seen as selfish. Choose loving yourself over any other activity? You're seen as selfish. This type of this-or-that thinking is typical of a society in which nuance is a rarity. But we know better! Self-Love isn't selfish. Not now, not ever. In fact, if you need a "test" to see whether or not your actions are selfish--ask yourself if they're rooted in love, and if they're going to engender more potential for love. If the answer to these 2 questions is yes, then you're not being selfish. Also, being self-obsessed isn't being selfish either! Just make sure you keep your blinders off so that if someone else needs your time, attention, or love, you can take a break from your lovefest with yourself to attend to them!