It’s absolutely essential that you truly understand why you get what you focus on. It’s such a fundamental component to all success and positive personal change. I can’t emphasize this enough!

When you really get this, the way you think will never be quite the same again. The key reason that you get what you focus on lies in how your brain learns. It learns by focus and repetition. Think about how you learnt things in the past? I’m sure focus on the skill and repetition had a part to play.

However, when it comes to thinking and imagining, we often focus on what we don’t want.  We think about the worse possible outcome. I believe that this is primarily due to fear.

It doesn’t have to be this way. When you learn why you get what you focus on and how your brain really works, you will be able to nip these old ways of thinking and imagining in the bud. 

Life then gets easier, with less internal conflicts and greater peace and happiness.

The technical aspects of neuroplasticity came from this article.

Here is the link to Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz on Amazon