QUICK!  When $1.2 million drops in your lap, how do you invest it?  I’m Bryan Ellis.  I’ll tell you exactly how RIGHT NOW in episode #161.


Hello SDI Nation!  Welcome to the podcast of record for savvy self-directed investors like you!

What would you do if $1.2M in investment capital just dropped in your lap?  That’s what happened to Ted, a listener to this show who recently completed the sale of one of his businesses and now has a cool $1.2 million of after-tax money just sitting there, waiting to be deployed.

Ted is a VERY SMART GUY.  Brain surgeon level.

But for Ted – like so many other people who are very successful in their own fields of endeavor – well, when it comes to investing, his logic turns off.

So Ted called me up and said:  Bryan, I’ve got $1.2M.  I’ve heard you talking a lot about these little houses in Birmingham that I can buy for under $60,000 each.  And that are yielding net returns of 10-15%.  My calculations say that I could buy 20 of them and would immediately have a net income of at least $120,000 per year, totally passively.  So let’s do it.  I’d like to buy 20 houses.

Well, folks, a few days ago, I promised you I was going to be even more transparent with you on this show.  So here it is… at that moment, I was counting my money!  Selling 20 houses to Ted was going to be a profitable event for me, and it was pretty exciting.

But then my rational mind returned to me.

Now look… I know something about Ted.  He’s a wealthy guy.  This money – the $1.2M he’s trying to invest now – it’s not his only capital.  He’s a serial entrepreneur and has done really well for himself.

So in that way, Ted makes the grade for someone who is worthy of making a $1.2M investment decision.

But I had to ask Ted a couple of questions, namely:  Tell me how you feel about this, and tell me how Vicky feels about it.  Vicky is Ted’s wife.

Ted told me he was really excited.  He’s done some research into Birmingham, and he “gets it”… though he’s still nervous about investing in the southeast, since he’s never done it before.  He also really likes the strategy we use for totally insulating him from the risk that the economy will decline or that his tenants will lose their jobs… those things are no longer a concern for him.  And he’s definitely excited about getting a large income totally passively for the first time in his life, and about the tax benefits.  He’s checked out our property managers, and he feels very good about them.  Sure, he’s nervous.  But Ted’s ready to take the plunge and buy 20 houses.

Vicky, well… she’s also interested, and she’s happy with she sees on paper… but she’s far more cautious.  Vicky is familiar with all of the information that Ted has… and she agrees with his assessment.  But she’s really nervous.  To Vicky, even though she and Ted have other assets, to her, $1.2M is practically all of the money in the world. 

And you know what… she should be feeling cautious.  The fact is this:  Ted and Vicky have never done business with me before.  They’ve checked me out… that’s for sure.  Given me the third degree, actually.  As well they should.  But they know me only because a friend of theirs who is a doctor in California referred them to this show.  This particular doctor is a client who trusts me explicitly and allows me great latitude in allocating his portfolio, and we’ve done very, very well for him.  So my client’s referral carries a whole lot of weight with Ted and Vicky.

And here’s the thing:  I’d like to do this deal with Ted and Vicky.  It would be good for them.  It would be good for me.  A real win-win.  But now… as in right now, this very moment in time… well, the timing is right for Ted and Vicky.

I told Ted I absolutely believe he’s making a great decision for how to deploy that capital based on his financial situation and the other assets in his portfolio.  But I proposed that he adjust the timing.  Here’s what I mean:

Instead of buying 20 houses right now, which Ted could do with the stroke of a pen, I proposed he buy only 2.  Invest only about $120,000 rather than $1.2M.  Put the rest of the money in a 6-Month CD.  And during that 6 months, watch and see how those 2 houses do for him.  If things go like he and Vicky expect, then they can deploy some, or even all, of the remainder at that time.

Vicky liked that plan – a lot – and here’s what really tipped her over:  I guaranteed her success.  If things DON’T go like they want, then I offered to buy those two houses back from them for exactly what they paid.  Who ever heard of a money-back guarantee on an investment property?  Well, that’s the way we roll here at SDI Radio, and it’s a no brainer to me.  These are great deals, and removing their risk is something I’m happy to do.  There’s a 99.99% probability they’re going to love the experience.  And if they don’t, then I get to own an asset I believe in at a price that totally makes sense.  Total win-win.

Hey… what about you?  Many of you have been seriously considering either starting your rental portfolio, or maybe expanding it… you’ve heard me talking about some of the great things we have going on in Birmingham… the insanely high cash flows, the complete immunity from economic risk, the absolute consistency of payments, the near elimination of vacancies… and you’re really interested.

But hey… who are we kidding… you’ve got some reservations.  Maybe you live out in California or Hawaii and to you, Birmingham and the southeast is practically another world.  Or maybe you think you know something about the business of owning low-priced homes that makes you nervous.

So here’s the deal:

For a short time, I’m actually going to contractually guarantee your satisfaction as an investor in our properties in Birmingham.  How?  I’ll commit – in writing – to buying back your property for what you paid for it if you’re unsatisfied in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.  I’ll give you the details about this in the coming days, but for now, there are 2 things you need to know:

Next week, I’ll offer a webinar that tells you all about the EXTRAORDINARY opportunities we have available to you… and how I’m personally guaranteeing your success.  Again, this isn’t a theoretical thing… I’m guaranteeing your success in writing.

To register for that webinar, go to SDIRadio.com/cashflow.  Again, that’s SDIRadio.com/cashflow.

Now here’s the other thing:

For now, I’m only going to offer that guarantee for the next 10 houses sold.  I’ve got to be able to honor my commitment and want to make sure we have the financial ability to do so.  3 of those guarantees are already issued, leaving only 7.

So… if you’d like to TRY OUT what is absolutely among the very best real estate cash flow opportunities in America… and you’d like to do it without risking your capital, the time is now.  If that’s you, and if you have at least $60,000 in liquid capital you’d like to deploy right away into a strong cash flow opportunity, then you should set an appointment with me right away by visiting SDIRadio.com/consultation.

You should do so immediately because I suspect there’s a very real possibility that all 7 of the remaining guarantees will be gone even before the webinar begins airing next week, particularly since so many investors prefer to buy more than one of these properties at the time, and I’ll be issuing the remaining 7 guarantees on the next 7 houses purchased, even if they’re all purchased by the same person.

So again, if you meet those financial qualifications and you’d like a chance to generate STRONG cash flows, perfectly reliably – and have a full guarantee, set up a consultation with my team RIGHT NOW by visiting SDIRadio.com/consultation.

So, to Ted and Vicky… and to every one of you out there:

Invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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