It’s CASE STUDY FRIDAY here at SDI Radio… Get ready for a real, recent example of a deal that’s going to motivate you because it’s REAL and because it’s REPEATABLE.  I’m Bryan Ellis.  This is episode #162.


Hello, SDI Nation!  Welcome to the podcast of record for Savvy, Self-Directed Investors like you!

About 10 days ago, I shared with you an EXTRAORDINARY opportunity involving our passive property flipping program.  The basic idea is this:  In select, strategic markets, we at Self Directed Investor Society serve our clients by providing access to the SDI Flipping teams, who acquire, renovate and resell properties for our clients.

Our numbers have been consistently EXTRAORDINARY… in fact, we had another closing just yesterday in Phoenix.  I’ll share the numbers with you on that one in a couple of days.

But as for today, there’s another deal I’d like to share with you… and this one is in our hottest target market, Stockton, CA.  In that market, we purchase great properties – usually from the trustee sale – then renovate and resell them.  Nearly all of our projects there turn around in 4 months… even those that require evictions after foreclosure, so it’s a CRAZY HOT MARKET, to say the least.

Anyway, here’s the deal:

Many of you have listened in to the webinar we offer about this over at  You heard the reasons it’s a uniquely perfect market for flipping, and why it’s still somewhat accessible to individual investors.  You know that pegged Stockton as the 11th hottest market in the country, and that a total of 9 of the hottest markets in America are all within about 100 miles of Stockton.  Without a doubt, that area of Northern California is the hottest real estate region in America.

So here’s the case study.  It’s actually an update of one of the examples that I described there at  And yes, that webinar is available now if you’d like to check it out.

In that webinar, I gave a WHOLE LOT of case studies, including:

Houston Avenue, where the project netted 26.8% cash-on-cash in 97 daysMendocino Avenue, where the project netted 30.3% in only 7 monthsMist Trail where the project netted 22.2% in 67 days

All of those examples are without the use of leverage… those are straight-up cash deals, making those ROI numbers even more impressive.

But of all of the examples I gave you, there was one that was unique because it was in escrow at the time I made the webinar 2 weeks ago, unlike all of the other examples that were CLOSED transactions.  Of course, I fully disclosed that distinction in the webinar, and was using Guernsey just as an example of the freshest possible activity.

So that property was in escrow, and based on the contract price and closing date, it looked like the property would sell for $200,000 and close on November 26… which would yield an astounding net return of 21.9% in only 49 days.

My friends… 21% in a whole year would be a beautiful result… so 21% in only 49 days is just stratospheric.

But, my friends… not everything goes perfectly in real estate, and that’s what happened with Guernsey.

The buyer ended up not being able to close, and the deal fell out of escrow.

Bummer, right?  That was going to be a really great deal at a sale price of $200,000.

Well, sure… you never want deals to go south, but remember:  This area, Stockton, is the 11th hottest market in America!  What exactly would you expect to happen when a good property goes on the market in a super-hot market?

You guessed it:  It sold, and it sold quickly, and it sold at a premium price.

The original contract that fell through was for $200,000.

The new contract price?  Well, it’s a cool $220,000…. A nice gain of $20,000 over the original!

And we’ve got a SOLID BUYER… who is putting down $100,000 in cash.

And one other nice little item – it closes soon – so this entire deal will still only be about 3 months long, beginning to end… but with a total net yield of a whopping 34%.

Yep.  You heard that right.

Folks, we’ve got a GREAT THING going out in Stockton right now.  It’s SO EXCITING… and so profitable.

If you’d like to check out the possibilities for yourself, stop by right now.

And you know, this is a strategically EXTREMELY important period.  That’s because back in June, there was a strange SPIKE in the volume of foreclosures in Stockton.  The number of foreclosures – for that one month alone – tripled.  Big spike.

Now here’s the thing:  The properties that started foreclosure during that spike, well… they hit the trustee sale during December and January.  So there’s going to be FAR MORE OPPORTUNITY than normal during those two months… and that’s SUPER-EXCITING.

And the timing couldn’t be better, because houses purchased during December and January will be back up for sale during February through April – one of the hottest times of year to sell in an already super-hot market.  In other words, right now is a beautiful window of opportunity.

So, my friends, let me encourage you with the example I shared with you today.

That’s not the only one.  Our crew picked up another house just yesterday, and the all-in cost including renovation and everything will be just shy of $300,000… and then we’ll sell it… for $400,000.  After everything, if history continues as it has, then this deal will net about $80,000 in only 4 months.  If you’re doing the math, that equates to a cash-on-cash net of about 26%... in 4 months.

Folks, if you were actually pocketing HALF of these numbers, you’d be doing EXTRAORDINARILY well.

So here’s the thing:  If you’d like to learn more about how we’re doing this, you should go over right now to to check it out.  There’s a GREAT webinar there, and if you’re an affluent investor looking for a way to passively participate in the extraordinary flipping markets of Northern California, you’ve found your chance.

Take a look at right now.

My friends…

Invest wisely today, and live well forever!

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