In this episode of Self-Directed we discuss the changing tide of education with Corey DeAngelis.

Corey DeAngelis is the Director of School Choice for the Reason Foundation, an Adjunct Scholar at Cato Institute, and the Executive Director at Educational Freedom Institute. 

You can follow him on twitter at @DeAngelisCorey

Discussed on this episode:  

- Corey – what's your backstory? What started your fire for school choice and education?  

- In your opinion, what's the ideal aim of education? How do you define education success?  

- From your experience, what systems offer the "best" education outcomes?  

- How much choice does the average parent (or student) have over their child's education? How can students/parents with perceived limited choice pursue success on their own / what options do they have? 

- What advice would you give to parents or students who want better alternatives – more choice – than what government schools have to offer?  

- What trends have you noticed in the conversation around education since COVID? One shift in particular from a recent article you published blew my mind – especially in the wake of the Harvard Homeschooling Crisis (congrats on shutting that down, by the way) – here it is:

         "52 percent of parents now say they have a more favorable view of homeschooling and 15% of people polled said they would homeschool kids once schools reopen"

         (Reference article: [](  

- What kind of impact would a shift like that have had on traditional education?  

- If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about education – across the board – what would you change?  

- What are you most optimistic about when it comes to the future of education?  

- Lastly – What's the best piece of content you've produced recently that you'd like me to share with listeners in the show notes? 

