Keith Holsten is the CEO/Founder of K/H Financial our mission is to make a difference in our client's lives and our community each and every day. 

Questions discussed in this episode:  

-How long have you been in the financial advising world?  

-What do you love most about your work?  

-What did you do before?  

-When did you know financial advising was a career path that interested you?  

-When did you know you wanted to "do your own thing" / start your own business?  

-One of the things I love about your business is how invested you are in your local community and building value beyond your business. Have you always been this way / how did you develop this philosophy/approach?  

-What are some personal financial mistakes you see a lot of people make? Any age?  

-What personal finance advice would you give to younger people and their parents?  

-Purely from a personal finance/investment standpoint, what are your views on young people accumulating student debt?


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