If I could recommend only one job for you to start your career, it would be a job in customer support or sales.

Why is customer service the best place to start your career?

Customer support and sales jobs are what I call highly-leverageable jobs early in your career. These two job types offer you maximum exposure to the business with the most transferable skill sets to other roles.

Both sales and customer support function primarily as customer-facing roles, which means you need to get smart fast about what your company does, what it sells, who your customers are, who your competition is, and why it matters.

In this episode:

- "You’ve always got a customer.”

- The strength of your brand – As an individual & as a company

Links from this episode:

- https://medium.com/on-breaking-the-mold/five-years-ago-i-graduated-college-without-a-job-or-a-clue-heres-how-i-turned-it-around-d5d34e737eb6

- https://mitchellearl.com/2019/03/the-story-you-tell-shapes-your-customer-expectations/

- https://mitchellearl.com/2019/04/dont-hold-the-customer-hostage/

- https://discoverpraxis.com/how-to-succeed-in-customer-success/

- https://discoverpraxis.com/customer-success-ultimate-launchpad/

- Tony Hseih - Delivering Happiness (https://www.deliveringhappiness.com/)

- Netflix's Culture Deck (https://jobs.netflix.com/culture)


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