Welcome to our first SelectedTech Podcast. We are four MVPs from Europe and we decided to start our own webinar series. What we want to show is how we do stuff. We meet online and hit the record button. There is not a lot of time for preparation or planning for our webinars. As a result, you will see mistakes and errors, not high polished content. We strongly believe that showing how to overcome those hiccups adds additional value to the content.

In our first episode, we create a QnA knowledge base in Azure. We show how to create the resources needed in the Azure portal and how to add pairs of questions and answers to your knowledge base. After that, we use the bot template in Azure to start our conversational endpoint. By using the QnA config we connect the knowledge base with the bot and deploy our newly created application to Microsoft Teams.

Here our playlist. Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel.

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