Greetings, Leaders!

Think about a time when you helped someone, and you witnessed the expressions on their faces. What feelings do you recall as you reflect on these experiences? If the words joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, and purpose describe your emotions, you share a collective experience with all great leaders. It has been said; "it is more blessed to give than to receive." In everything treat people the same way you want them to treat you, your family, and your descendants.

I recently had several discussions with Summit Leaders and a professional with over three decades of work experience regarding the value and rewards of volunteering. The first things I noticed during our conversations were the elevated excitement in their voices, the glow that appears on their countenance, the gratitude, and discoveries they were making through their selfless giving of themselves to help someone on their journey in life.

If you are starting on your life and career journey or a three-decade established professional; now is the best time to seek opportunities to volunteer. Throughout history, wise advisors have pointed to the hidden value and rewards in serving others and using our talents, gifts, and abilities to empower others. Quotes from wise leaders look to the hidden treasures found in helping others.
"Do not grow weary in doing good for you will receive a reward if you do not give up."
"Give, and it will be given to you."
The rewards are sometimes immediate. One Summit shared that through a new volunteer opportunity, he gained an insight that was a "defining moment." "I am convinced the volunteering helps me at the age of twenty one see the bigger picture of life, discover my purpose and my value to others." As he talked, you felt his passion and conviction.
"I want all of you to resolve to stand for something big and fine outside of your business life. That is the way to grow; that is the way to develop; that is the way to become real leaders in the company, in the community and in the state."
Thomas J. Watson, Sr.