Greetings, Leaders!

Through extensive observation in the lives of leaders, someone wrote, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall and humility comes before honor."

Humility is an essential quality in the life of a leader. It qualifies a person to make an impact in the lives of others.

Practicing the disciplines, principles, and insights gained through observations of the lives of great leaders will help us accomplish great things in our lives and careers.

However, being alert to the attacks of the enemy will help protect us in our positions of leadership.

The enemy of every leader is pride. Think about leaders who have fallen.

What can we do to build a defense from the enemy of pride and arrogance?

In their book, "The Leadership Killer - Reclaiming Humility in an Age of Arrogance." Bill Treasurer and John R. Havlik describe the steps we can take to build defenses against the leader's most destructive enemy which they call Hubris. " Hubris is "exaggerated pride or self-confidence." It attacks the foundation of a person's character. If left unchecked eventually ruins the leader and damages the people they influence.