Greetings, Leaders.

The best is yet to come in your life and career. Be encouraged that you are on the threshold of something new and exceptional that is occurring right now.

It is the journey to eminence — a position of great distinction or superiority in achievement, position, rank, or character.

I heard someone recently say, "You don't see what you are not looking for."
Let's begin looking for the indicators and participate in the next milestone on our journey to eminence.

The seven key qualities essential in achieving such a high position transform a person, enterprise, and client relationships.

The seven qualities are love, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, self-control, patience, and joy.

Love is a term that you don't hear much in business primarily because of the connections with emotional intimacy.

However, think about love as being the greatest of all human qualities. Love involves compassion, warmth, caring, and connection with people. Selfless service to others gives evidence that you care about the people involved.

When you focus on the welfare of the other person more than your own, you are demonstrating love. In the process, we begin seeing our goals in life and career connected and fulfilling each other as you go on your life and career journey.

Two benefits of love are influence and performance.

Influence is the ability to have people respond to you.

If you want people to listen to you; show first that you care for them. Someone once said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

Competency is important. However, everyone benefits when love is practiced, including family, colleagues, clients, and other people you come in contact with on your life and career journey.

If you want people to follow you, it is crucial that they know you care.
Think of the great leaders you know that inspire and bring out the best in others. They first demonstrate that they care.

The impact on performance is significant. A Harvard Business Review article "Employees Who Feel Love Perform Better." highlights research findings that show the positive outcomes such as higher employee engagement, client satisfaction, and culture for sustainable growth.

How can we be a catalyst in creating this type of environment? Let it begin with you. Reach someone daily and demonstrate you care. It is like lighting a candle in a dark room filled with many people. Each one has a torch. However, only one has a fire. She shares her fire with one, and he shares with another until the room glows with light which shines brightly. They are the light of the world. Like a city built on a hill cannot be hidden.

John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach, and teacher shared his perspective on the importance of caring for others.
He had a deep interest in his their challenges, problems, and their lives. He engaged his players with a genuine desire for each to succeed on their life journey, not just on the basketball court. When asked what the primary responsibility of a coach is, he said:

"You must set an example. Your players must know that you care for them more than just as athletes."

The quality of love is distinctive and empowering!

It starts with us.
