Greetings Leaders.

Great leaders at some point on their life journey discover who they can be and resolve to move forward in spite of circumstances toward to their destiny.

Last week we talked about the doubting Caterpillar who moved from doubt to belief through a vision created by his encouraging friend named Monarch Butterfly.

Sometimes, like Caterpillar, it takes time to discover that our circumstances are preparing us for our destinations. As we know, the caterpillar is destined to become a Monarch Butterfly. Once he experiences the turning point in his transformation, he will fly 2,500 miles one way each year to reach his destination. That is the distance from New York City to Las Vegas, Nevada!

Let's consider how we can apply this insight to our career and life journey.

(continued from "Part I - The Caterpillar Who Believes He Can Fly.")

There for some time alone inside the darkness of the cocoon, Caterpillar proclaimed "I believe!" He remembered Monarch and envisioned what he could be!
"But I am stuck inside this cocoon! What should I do?" He hears a response from within "Grow forward, just believe." As Caterpillar struggled within the darkness, he pressed outward with new strength, and at just the right time he broke through the restraining walls into a bright and sunny day.

He is different now! Transformed into what he only dreamed of being.
Caterpillar stretches his new wings and takes flight. He meets Monarch among the beautiful summer flowers. Caterpillar says, "It happened! Look we are here just as you said it would be!"