Greetings, Summit Leaders.

The mind is the most potent creation known to man. How we think determines the leader we are the one we need to become for leading in the 21st century.

Are we capable of transforming into leaders needed in times of uncertainty, rapid change, pandemics, and national crisis?

"As a man or woman thinks in their heart, they are." This insight is centuries old, but recently, neuroscience affirms the truth.

Our thinking will influence how we see ourselves, others, and the success we accomplish or miss in life.

Early in my career, my thinking about what I desired to accomplish and how I thought of myself was not aligned.

Consequently, I struggled with self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, and fears of failure.

My performance seemed to be superb on the outside, but within, I was divided in my thinking, doubting I could accomplish much or compete with so many seemingly more talented people than me. In a sense, I was masquerading. I was not authentic.

"This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." Polonius in Hamlet, Act I, scene iii, lines 78–80.

Not being true to whom we are places extra burdens on us, and we are not as effective as leaders.

Our best interest is in the renewing of our thinking. Changing and rewiring how we view ourselves, perceptions, and attitudes. Neuroscience shows us that our minds are programmed to think in specific ways from childhood based on our life experiences. Today, we hear terms such as biases and preconditioned behaviors.

Someone refers to becoming the man or woman created and envisioning becoming "The miracle of the breakthrough." It is the intentional development of new ways of thinking about ourselves that align with the vision of who we are and what we envision becoming.

Being transformed by the renewing of your mind became my new mission in life around my career's quarter-century mark. During the process of becoming authentic, the first place was changing my thought patterns. I wrote on paper the person I envisioned becoming, the qualities I desired, and the impact I want my life to make.

I was blessed to be associated with leaders who saw potential in me and nurtured my new leader's vision. The process is ongoing. These are the benefits I noticed.

1. Personal trust and responsibility in my relationships with my clients became enriching. My clients responded differently to my leadership and suggestions. I began to experience the meaning of "trusted advisor."

Can I be trusted?

Someone once said, "People buy from people they like, admire, trust and respect."

I think this statement applies to leaders on every level. "People will follow a leader that they like, admire, respect, and trust."

According to the Center for Creative Leadership, Trust = Ability + Loyalty + Integrity.

Authenticity in a leader is an outcome of renewing our minds.

"Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet — thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing — consistently.

This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust." Lance Secretan, author

Transformation occurs as we are intentional about reprograming our minds with truth. We are taking control of our thought life in every area of our lives.

Neuroscience shows us that repeated thought patterns create new neural pathways in our brains. Over time, the old ways of thinking diminish in their power to influence our behaviors. We have become new!

A Summit leader who was terrified of public speaking becomes an accomplished speaker, seller, and writer. How did she do this? She intentionally developed a strategy to change her thinking and executed her plan.

Transformation and authenticity complement and multiply the impact and effectiveness of a leader in sales, technical, family, and everyday lives.

Here are four outcomes.

1. We lead with purpose and meaning, and never compromise ourselves.
2. We are consistent in our responses to circumstances.
3. We give honest and caring feedback.
4. We lead with the integrity of the heart.

"All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think.

The trouble is that men very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to think, because thinking is such hard work." Thomas J. Watson. Sr.

When we elevate our thinking with more noble dreams, we grow and rise as leaders!

Let's make it our goal experience, "Leader Transformation. - An inside job."

The rewards and benefits multiply to your account as a leader. The result is release and liberty from the old and the joy of experiencing the new you.

Next week we will share some suggested strategies that we can use in transforming ourselves and our leadership in a time of crisis, uncertainty, change, and new norms.
