Greetings, Leaders!


Congratulations! You are in a new season! 

What season of life and career are you in now? 


Regardless of where you are on your journey, be intentional about getting the most out of every day.  


The process is an essential part of the journey!  


Our responses and faithfulness to do what we know to be right each day determine our joy and fruitfulness.  


Consider your time and the work you are given right now as your land to cultivate and grow.  


Like the farmer, we understand there is a time for everything under the sun. It has been said, "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens."


If we are faithful in every season and do as our calling to leadership requires, we can expect a harvest of fruitfulness on our journey.

Like a tree planted by streams of water, it bears fruit in its season.


What we see as simply a set of actions, the process of reaching a goal or particular end, is the purpose! Let's work with excellence in everything we do during this season!  


 So, as we go on our journey, expect, anticipate, and prepare to produce fruit. To be faithful, choose who you will serve and serve this day. The fruit will be as natural as the seasons of nature.


If we have a future goal, we may need to pay more attention to the present time. Take time to enjoy all that happens to you moment-by-moment, day-by-day. Enjoy the process.  


I recall watching an interview with Barbara Jordan and her response to this question.  

 "What has been your best part: reaching the goal or the journey? With a big smile, she paused and said, "The journey!"


 In 1976, she became the first African-American woman to deliver a keynote address at a Democratic National Convention. 


What benefits do you see in focusing on each day?


The expectation of bearing much fruit keeps us engaged today in our assigned work. The journey is the destination. In the process of doing, we discover that our faith is growing. Our success is being faithful in our work during the process not only in the outcomes. 

We are receiving the energy to do what's needed this day. We gain new strength and mount with wings like eagles, soaring as we go.

We see the evidence of what we hoped for as we go and the realization of things not seen, our vision fulfilled.


It is in doing that we become. This season of growth, fruit-bearing, and joy is a time to sing and rejoice as we go. The person who goes out weeping, carrying his seed bag, will come home singing, carrying his bundles of grain.


Some days will be challenging. Encourage others daily as you go with, "Let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while, we will reap a harvest of blessings if we don't get discouraged and give up!"


The best is yet to be!


