Greetings, Leaders.


Where are you on your journey in life and career right now?


I heard someone say we are either in a storm, coming out, or going into a storm. On our journey, we can expect storms in our life and career. Adversity, trials, and disappointments are inevitable and, with the proper response, can catalyze a new level of growth and development as a leader.`````


How should we respond?


Make the most of every day by recalling, rejoicing, and reflecting on the goodness and faithfulness you see in your life. You will then discover reassurance for the journey ahead.


Patience, perseverance, and practice are three key steps we are encouraged to take when navigating storms.


Patience is our ability to wait quietly and think calmly. When tempted to run off in all directions, a leader with patience conquers their emotions by calling to mind, either in their lives or the lives of great leaders, the best response. 


They wait, ponder, and discern the best next step and the timing. So, take time to find the best response in a storm. Be still and know. Ask yourself, what can I learn from this storm, and how should I respond?


Our perspective makes a difference during a storm. Great leaders see these challenges as tests and seek to pass the exam. Even in the most painful situations, they act with integrity while remembering that those who cry while planting will joyfully sing while they harvest.



Someone once said, "Don't run from tests and hardships as difficult as they are. You will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing." 


I like that idea! Great leaders persevere and don't quit. Even now, if you face a storm, don't quit, but persevere. Keep walking by faith. The focus of faith frees us from fear.


Practice what you know to be the discipline for growth and success. Focus on what you know to be true. Stick to your convictions. They are your root system that goes deeper into the ground during storms.


Palm trees are often subject to the driving forces of hurricanes. You see them bending and still standing after the storm. When the wind blows hard against palm trees, it strengthens their roots! Meaning that they come out of a hurricane even stronger than before. 


That is the primary purpose of the storms. They strengthen those that they test. Keep asking, seeking, and knocking to discover and learn how to respond to your challenges—knowing these challenging times will only last long enough to accomplish their purpose in your life. Then you will hear, "Peace! Be still!" and you are standing with greater strength to lead than ever!


Someone once said, "You will not be the same after the storms of life; you will be stronger, wiser, and more alive than ever before." 


When you have come through the testing times, turn to your companions, and give them a fresh start.




