Greetings, Leaders.


At this moment, each of us is experiencing change. You may be in a new assignment, your company may be undergoing restructuring, or you may be experiencing a challenge in your personal or career life journey.


Often, we face the temptation to resist change, even if it is for our good. Regardless of our circumstances, there are several proven steps great leaders employ when facing change, good or bad.


Our perspective about the change is most critical. With the proper view, we can see beyond the current to the future state.


Someone once said, "Vision is seeing the invisible." Walking by faith, leading by faith, and living by faith are phrases we attribute to leaders with vision.  


Your current circumstances may be the test of endurance and perseverance you will need for the journey.


Over thirty years ago, Matt, an IBM intern, shared his favorite quote. He looked up from his desk and said, "count it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."


Since then, I am noticing that great leaders have a "don't quit" attitude when facing changes and challenges in life and career.  


They persevere. If you are facing a challenge right now, one of the wisest actions you can take is to reflect, renew and resolve to move forward in faith.


Reflect: When facing similar challenges in the past, what happened that enabled me to move forward to where I am now? How did I respond? 

Usually, you can identify perseverance as an attribute you exhibited.

Now, it is time to persevere and not quit. It is always too soon to quit.


Renew:  Change can cause weariness, especially if it challenges our beliefs. Day and day and moment by moment, new adjustments, work opportunities, or health challenges all contribute to mental and physical fatigue.  


How do we rise above all of it and gain new strength? 


By recalling the past victories on our journey, faithfulness and insights gained along the way. 


Cease striving and know that taking time to wait can give our minds time to regulate our emotions. Those who wait gain new strength.


Resolve:  Commit to the journey. This season will, in time, pass, and the new one begins. You will be better prepared to enjoy what lies ahead when the time comes. 


One of the most incredible benefits of enduring trials, changes, and tests is the reward of strength, comforting and encouraging others, and the character we gain as leaders.


"Strength of character is the one basic trait that will be found in all people who achieve greatness." Thomas J. Watson, Sr.


My friends, someone once said, "endure hardship as a soldier." I pray we all gain new strength for our journey ahead. 


Don't quit but stand firm! We believe the best is yet to be.

