Greetings, Leaders.


Someone once said that "everything rises and falls on leadership."


Someone said, "Nothing so determines a person's ability to lead than their ability to lead themselves."


This week I listened to two IBM interns share profound insight that moved me to think about "Leadership- moving up to higher ground!" - the process."


Two-step process.

1. Vision

2. Legacy 


Great leaders think deeply about vision and legacy. 


An IBM Intern leader shares his vision.

He outlines the upward climb and perseverance needed among each great leader's qualities.


"A vision is essential to recognize where you are going and what you are leaving behind; it is what you need to remind yourself when you look for motivation. 


I always picture a vision as something that you are constantly walking toward achieving. 


When it feels like you've been walking forever with no real progress, then it's time to take a minute and look behind you to see how far you've come and to use that hindsight as a reason to keep moving forward. 


Change can be prolonged and, at times, overwhelming. A

vision for the future you want is a beacon of light to guide you in the right direction when you find yourself straying off the path. 


Our dreams for the future may seem just out of reach, but maybe

that's a good thing, as it gives us reason never to stop trying to improve, and my vision is never to lose sight of this challenge and constantly improve." IBM Intern Leader


Regardless of their age, they are constantly seeking higher ground leadership.


Why? "I want to leave an impact and something that lasts as my legacy." IBM Intern Leader


Human capital is the gold standard for legacy. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Not that I have already attained or am already perfected, but I press on that I may lay hold, forgetting those things behind and reaching forward to those ahead. I press toward the goal of the prize of the upward call.



We are moving to higher ground. C to the third power.

Clean heart. Clear conscience. Confident mind. Three attributes, when combined, qualify us for the opportunity to move to higher ground.



A great leader once said, "We fight from victory! Not for victory." The "Victory Mindset" is one committed to the climb. Thinking about the impact on others as they climb. As they rise, they bring others with them. They raise the performance level of the team!


Their thought patterns direct their actions for the good of all they serve.


Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Your "Victory Mindset" affects everyone you meet, everywhere you go!

Praise lifts the spirit, unites, attracts, and impacts those who give and receive it.  

