Greetings, Leaders.


You are a leader. Understanding this is the beginning point of a great adventure into the good works created for you to walk in them. Each of us has a pathway that is uniquely ours.


It's a great adventure to discover our purpose and impact the circumstances we encounter on your life and career journey.


Wherever you find yourself today and whatever the circumstance, seek to be the leader for such a time as this.


Esther was a great leader during a crisis that threatened many people, and she thought, "Who am I that I can possibly have an impact as only one person? Her initial hesitation appears to come from fear, uncertainty, and doubt.  


In the battles of life and career, we encounter circumstances that affect people's personal lives and career journeys. Our sensitivity to our current surroundings and people helps us see our opportunity to lead.


I listened to a patient receiving chemotherapy treatment number 11 of 12 as she talked with Ashley, her nurse. "You are so conscientious! and I appreciate that." Ashley smiled and asked, "What makes you say that?" The patient responds, "because I observe you and how you work."


Situational leadership like this is our opportunity to help people see themselves and their impact for good. We affirm, uplift, encourage and inspire them at the moment.


How do you feel when you receive affirmation? I asked the nurse, "How did that make you feel? Ashley responded with a smile, "It makes me happy!"


What did this phrase mean? "For such a time as this."

It is a challenge to us to step up and act in the interests of others in any way we can, wherever we are.


When we look at life as only our dreams, goals, preservation, ambitions, and desires, we lose the joy, fulfillment, and victory that can be ours with a refocused mindset on the interests of others.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Let each of us look not only for his interests but also to the interests of others.


Being reminded that as leaders, we sometimes must set aside our interests, let go of our ambitions, and face an enemy full-on for someone else. Be a champion for someone today!


Providentially, "for such a time as this." means we receive a job, position, resources, education, etc. These are our opportunities to optimize all the work we are blessed to do for good. 


Being placed where we are is to look, listen, learn and act. 


Don't miss your assignment to impact the situations you are in today. 


It has been said, "You are the light of the world like a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. "  Therefore, let your light shine and see how you can impact those around you for good.


It is your great adventure!

