Greetings, Leaders.


Everyone is a builder.


You are building successful lives and careers.


Each of you has qualities of character that are uniquely yours. We call them attributes. Some examples are vision, integrity, attitude, enthusiasm, and tenacity, which are some of the critical elements of a good foundation. 


Every wise leader calculates the cost to become the person they envision and the impact they want their life to have. Their commitment is to do what's required to grow, do, and become.


Someone once said, "No life grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined."


Building a solid foundation is critical to every building.


There are only two types of builders; those who build upon a foundation of stone and those who rely upon a foundation of sand.


Once there was a master builder who gave this insight to two builders.


"These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. 


They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like competent carpenters who built their houses on solid rock. 


Rain poured down, the river flooded, and a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. The building stands on the rock."


No one intends to build upon sand. It is usually a result of an unexamined life.


The frequent examination enables you to detect weaknesses such as habits, vices, and practices that are unfitting to the lives and careers we aspire to build.


Your foundation is essential. Consider the tallest building in the world in 2021; The Burj Khalifa, known initially as the Burj Dubai, has 163 floors and is 2,717 feet tall. The concrete and steel foundation required over 45,000 cubic meters (58,900 cubic yds.) of concrete, weighing more than 110,000 tons. 


The infrastructure was essential to support the enormous size.


The life and career lessons are that careful planning and frequent examination are essential regardless of where we are on the journey of career and life.


Take time to inspect the foundation you are building. What attributes are in place now, and which ones do you aspire to add? 




The storms of career and life will test our foundations and us. Those who build their houses upon stone withstand the winds. Those whose foundation is on sand succumb to storms, and significant is the loss.


Build wisely. Inspect daily the foundations and towers you are building.


It takes wisdom to build a house and understanding to set it on a firm foundation.


Enjoy a life well-built and a career with a lasting impact!

