Greetings, Summit Leaders.


"Together, we are better." Unity in purpose is a beautiful blessing in knowing that you are never alone on your life and career journey.


What makes where we are right now special is our perspective. When we see ourselves serving others along the way, our purpose in life and career begins to focus.


You are a leader with purpose. Do not let kindness and truth leave you. Write them on the tablet of your heart as reminders of how to serve. As we practice this habit, we find favor.


One small act of kindness can change your day. 


Choose joy on your journey and share it as you go today.


Your influence can move ordinary people to extraordinary leaders.


Today is an excellent time for us! The best is yet to be.


What makes for a great place and time?



People! I see Summit leaders focusing on five key attributes that impact performance outlined in the book -


Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership 

How to Make a Difference Regardless of Your Title, Role, or Authority

James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner 

Model the way by their faithful walk.    
Inspire others through a shared vision for a brighter future.
Challenge the familiar - seeking a better way.
Enable others through collaboration.
Encourage the heart through believing in each other.


"Positive expectations create positive images in the mind, where positive futures for yourself and others are first constructed." Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership



I like "encouraging the heart" and "inspiring others through a shared vision." People strengthened me with their words, acts of kindness, and affirming feedback throughout my career. They modeled leadership that is part of who we are as a company.


"When people believe that you have their interest at heart— that you care about them — they are more likely to be open to your influence." Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership



Joining a group with a purpose triggers my thinking about my purpose in life and career. Discovering purpose for life and career starts with a vision. Who am I, and what will I become?


Seeking and finding the answers to these questions is an adventure that makes life and career fulfilling.


What I love about being here in IBM is seeing the joy occurring in many people's lives when they connect with purpose.


Outstanding leadership is a lifelong process.


Be intentional and start now. Make service to others part of your growth plan. 

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap is we do not lose heart.



Prioritize continuous learning and developing new skills.


Identity and engage the conscientious leaders around you for insight and help.


Together, we are better!


Until the next time!


Victory! Victory! Victory!