Greetings, Summit Leaders.


As a person thinks in their heart, so they are. This ancient quote packs truth that impacts every dimension of a leader's life. "Guard your heart above all else, for from it come the issues of life."  


From early childhood, the people caring for your development share affirming observations of us that begin building our self-image. We build upon the foundation as we grow. 


Outstanding leadership requires an ongoing becoming the person we are born to be until we reach the full measure of maturity.


On our life and career journey, we experience victories and setbacks. How we see ourselves will affect our response and the impact of achievement and delays.


Someone once said, "Knowledge is power!" 

Knowing who you are-

Knowing to whom you belong-

Knowing what we possess -

Knowing the purpose and plan and will for us-


The answers to these questions build confidence! Confidence is the one attribute essential to every great accomplishment and fundamental to the success of every great leader.


We encounter circumstances that challenge our confidence. The strongest leaders are most aware of who they are.  




How do we obtain this knowledge? Wisdom! We ask, seek, knock, expecting to receive our answers. 


As young children, we were naturally curious and asked for answers. It seems we lose this childlike curiosity as we experience life and the demands of daily living.


It is said,

"Great leaders have curiosity, a commitment to continuous learning, and

the conviction that failure breeds knowledge and fortitude." 

How to Lead

Wisdom from the World's Greatest CEOs, Founders, and Game Changers

David Rubenstein



Great leaders intentionally seek to know all the days of their lives—this quest for Wisdom and knowledge fuels a passion for life and work.


 Wisdom calls out,

"I love them that love me, and those who seek me will find me."


Thomas J. Watson Sr. shared his leadership insight to a group of new sales leaders on July 12, 1932.

"Wisdom is the power that enables us to make practical use of our knowledge."


Someone suggested,

"Begin today with pen and paper to invest time to reflect on your vision

and the awareness of your identity as a person and leader."


I took time this week to reflect, write down and rehearse my answers to the "Knowing" questions.


I noticed a boost of confidence, enthusiasm, and new strength in my spirit for the future.


All of us benefit from remembering who we are.


As leaders, we need Wisdom and knowledge to serve the best and make the most significant impact on our life and career journey!


Be encouraging and know that you are here for a purpose.


Get the most out of it. The best is yet to be!


Believe it!

