Greetings, Summit Leaders.


One of the wisest things we can do when facing a battle or new challenge is recall the past victories in our lives. Every day we face struggles in life and careers.  


Our enemies of doubt, fear, anxiety, and unbelief constantly tempt us to turn back quickly, give up, and become discouraged.


The good news is that we are not the first leaders to experience these enemies to our success in life and career.


I love to study the lives of great leaders to see how they respond to life and career challenges. 


Three leaders that come to my mind are Winston Churchill, Helen Keller, and King David. I see three common attributes that we can claim in our battles.


The three attributes that are empowering are conviction, courage, and confidence.   


Conviction is vitally essential in every battle we face. 


Conviction says, "I am committed to my pathway and will not retreat, give up or turn around. I believe I am in the right place at the proper time.


Consider Winston Churchill, an obscure, moderately known man who took a step of faith on May 10, 1940, becoming the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the looming and seeming unstoppable advances of Hitler's forces during World War II. He proclaimed victory in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.  


What should our response be when facing any battle in life and career?


Make a bold declaration of faith. All three leaders activated their faith before they engaged their will.

"I felt that my past life had been but the preparation for this hour and this trial." Prime Minister Churchill


"Never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense." Winston Churchill


Commitment precedes courage, and courage empowers confidence. When we commit to winning the battles in life and career, we position ourselves for victory and a more significant impact on the lives of our families, colleagues, clients, and communities we serve.


Confidence is the fruit of conviction and courage.


Helen Keller is an inspiration to us all. She became deaf and blind when she was just a baby of 19 months. Her winning the battles has been told in books and film and has inspired millions. Be inspired and encouraged by her words of wisdom. 


"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

Helen Keller