Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Today I observed an outstanding group of Summit Leaders showcase their skills, growth, and insight during a capstone exercise. Capstone is a culmination event and launching at the same time.


I asked them to reflect on where they started, how they felt then, and how they feel now. I see in these Summit Leaders the manifestation of what it means to get the most out of your work!


As I watched them, I recall how grateful they were when each of them started their training. 


Work is a gift. Through work, we practice and benefit in three distinct areas.


Through work, I discover my gifts, talents, and abilities. In serving, we become more in touch with ourselves and find our value and purpose in life.


My work does not define me, but I add meaning through my attitude, beliefs, and heart set.


Each of the Summit Leaders talks about growth in their life and career. I wonder if they know their impact on others as they journey.


Well, I know that each of the senior managers who witnessed them today was impressed, inspired, and stirred up by their performance. We are together. Iron sharpens iron.


So, our first word is gratitude for your work. Remembering your work is a gift and how we use it determines much more than a paycheck. 


I am thankful to be working and never see work as just a day in and day out routine. No! Work is a blessing and produces multiplied rewards when approached with a blessed mindset. 


The Capstone Project is the evitable outworking of a job. Having skills refined day in and day out is valuable time and presents the opportunity to excel.


The second reward is fulfillment in a job well done. When we look, do, and be our best, we stand taller, engage authentically, and learn to serve others confidently. You feel good about yourself when you know you gave your best at work.


We see more clearly new ways to serve others when we view ourselves as servant leaders. Now you are gaining a paycheck and honing skills, character development, a sense of self-worth, rewarding relationships, a sense of accomplishment, and the ability to contribute to the lives of others.


So, as we consider our work, let's see it as one of life's highest callings; serving others. Someone once said, "If anyone among you wants to be great, let that person become a servant to all."


"Do your work. Not just your work, do a little more, but that little is worth more than all the rest. And if you suffer, as you must, and if you doubt, as you must, do your work. Put your heart into it, and the sky will clear. Then out of your doubt and suffering will be born the supreme joy of life." Dean Briggs

