Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Everyone desires a measure of greatness in their life and career journey. Many accomplish a position of great distinction and honor. 

Each of us has a unique pathway that, when followed, can lead to Eminence and outstanding outcomes.


The lives of great leaders before us provide indicators and attributes we can apply and expect similar results. No two pathways are alike for a leader.


Each leader can discover their pathway and then experience the joy of a fulfilling life and career journey through focus, faithfulness, and providential favor.


"If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable."

Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Someone once said, "If any among wishes to be great, let them become servants to all." Serving. How we see ourselves as servant-leaders will influence how we respond to our opportunities in the days and months ahead.


In the lives of great leaders, you see a theme combined in three key attributes. They focus on seeking first what's most important for themselves as leaders.


Focus: They seek to find purpose and vision for their lives and careers. They have a laser-like focus on their pathway. One wise leader shares "stay the course in serving on the way to eminence by setting our gaze on the path for us with fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignoring life's distractions, watching where you are going, and sticking to the pathway of truth and the road will be safe and smooth before you."


The focus of faith frees us from being sidetracked for even a moment

 or taking the detour that leads to nowhere.


Faithfulness:  Consistently working toward personal excellence in every area of life helps develop disciplines that keep us physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally alert and prepared for the opportunities ahead for each of us. Great leaders live and work with the expectation that the results will be good. An ancient saying "Do you see a person skilled in his work? He will stand in the presence of kings. He will not stand in the presence of the unknown."  


Favor:  Defined as a gracious, kind, and friendly attitude is desirable to all. 

Focusing on serving others, meeting needs, and winning hearts and minds can accomplish much. Kindness and truth are attributes written in the hearts of great leaders that lead to great victories and more abundant opportunities to serve and grow. " Ask, and favor will be given you. Seek, and you will find favor. Knock and favor opens to you."



The 3 F's to Eminence: focus, faithfulness, and favor can work for you in the days ahead.


Please apply the principle and expect the results!

