Greetings, Summit Leaders.


This year can be one of the most fantastic opportunities for you!

Much of our success will depend on our response to the new challenge before us.  


Many great leaders respond to life based on how they see themselves first and taking the initiative based on their beliefs.


Someone once said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."


Our ability to experience victory and life abundantly more rests on our willingness to go where we have not gone before, accomplish more and become you.


Our Identity and how we think about ourselves impact our leadership.

You may recall the encouraging words from a loved one, parent, or grandparent saying, "Remember who you are and to whom you belong."

They were affirming you.


We act according to what we believe. Neuroscience shows us that we can change our thinking and therefore change our responses by repeatedly affirming who we are, our purpose, vision, attributes and "fixing our minds" on those qualities we envision in our lives.


This repeated affirmation begins building a thought pattern in your mind at an early age and one that continues to affect how you view life, challenges, and opportunities.


Knowing and affirming who you are as a leader will affect every area of your growth in life; vocational, spiritual, social/recreational, and family.


Challenges, change, and circumstances are seen as opportunities for growth when our minds focus by faith on what is ahead for us. The focus of faith frees us from fear. Take the initiative and step forward, expecting, anticipating, and preparing for the best.


This year, day by day, let's focus our minds, thought patterns, self-talks, and initiatives with a "More Abundantly 2022!" mindset.


Three steps to get started are:


Recall: "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope." Think about your growth and the victories you won when you stepped out in faith.
Remember: Think about the process and experience you gained. Be faithful in practicing being your best, doing, and looking your best.  
Resolve: Envision the vision. See it as done! Are you becoming the person, leader and doing the things you know to do based on the truth of who you are?

Yes. Stay faithful, move forward, and believe. Someone once said, "No life grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined." 


We can experience "abundantly more" than all you can ask or imagine in the year ahead! Believe!


Make your plans. Be ready to do and experience even greater works than these in 2022.


Be intentional in all your actions and encourage someone as you continue your journey in 2022. "Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!"



"Good success" is always better together!

