Greetings, Summit Leaders!


I love Summit Leaders! 


They are some of the most dedicated, committed, and confident people I know.



Why is this possible? They have vision! Most of them have a written vision statement to keep focused on what matters most!


Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain about what you cannot see. We see our vision through the miracle of our minds and our faith.


When we believe, we act. We begin to work in a focused, dedicated, and disciplined way, moving toward the vision we envision.


When preparation meets opportunity, there is a starburst effect for even greater works. 


Recently, a group of leaders sent me copies of their vision statements.

They show their purpose for living and direction for how they plan on developing and preparing for their future.


We should remember that every vision has enemies to derail us from our pathway. The enemies are fear, doubt, unbelief, and many others.


Understanding the nature of the battle is the first step to victory. The battlefield is in our mind, our thinking! The greater our potential and responsibilities, the stronger the attacks are from the enemies.


Every day, we enter the battlefield for our minds.  


Someone once said, "Your life will always move in the direction of your strongest thoughts." Great leaders focus their thinking.


What we allow to dominate our thinking will affect us as leaders.  


When we believe, our thought process is expectation, anticipation, and preparation.


"I will prepare, and someday my chance will come." Abraham Lincoln


Great leaders examine their thought patterns to see if they are believing or held captive by fears, doubts, and unbelief.


The one who believes makes plans for the vision. They work with an expectant attitude which gives them hope even when the way is hard.


Daily they practice the disciplines on their life and career journey while anticipating the results of their labor.


They work to prepare themselves for the arrival of what they envision.  

Wherever you are on your journey, be alert! The enemy prowls like a roaring lion, seeking to destroy. Resist by being immovable in your faith.


Remember Career Principle # 3. The Three C's are Empowering.


Conviction: Knowing that I am in the right place and the right time.

Courage: Someone said, "Courage is the fearless calmness, quality of mind and spirit enabling us to meet danger, opposition or the challenges of life with fearless, calmness and firmness."

Confidence:  We have a mindset of victory, conquest, and resolve that it will happen.


Summit Leader, be strong and courageous.  


One great leader shared this insight. "Always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right, and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of things."


A friend wrote an encouraging note to me, "Do what you have done - "take every thought captive" continue to be "transformed by the renewing of your mind."


My friends, I share this encouragement with you for your life and career journey!


Let us hear the encouraging word, "I will give you victory!"


