Greetings, Summit Leaders.

Rejoice! There is hope for all who aspire to do more outstanding works of service. Hope for the future is one of the most empowering attributes great leaders exercise in their lives.

"A leader is a dealer in hope." Napoleon Bonaparte

There are several critical benefits of hope in our thinking.

A leader's mental health matters immensely.

Life events, disappointments, the delayed realization of our vision become the "slow leaks" in our emotions.

The gradual effect is unnoticed until we recognize we are living a less than abundant life. Hope ignites our passion for the gift of life and career.

"Where there is hope... there is life." Anne Frank

When you summon hope, it helps your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. You then are most effective in the good works you are engaging.

Here are some of the health benefits of hope.
• Hope can reduce physical pain.
• Hope may boost circulation and respiration.
• Hope, optimism and a positive outlook help protect against chronic illnesses.
Psychology Today - The Health Benefits of Hope" by Andrea Bonior, Ph.D.

Great leaders throughout time discovered the impact of hope in their lives and leadership. Their example inspires those they meet and serve on their journey. People begin to see life with a fresh perspective through meeting them- they become the catalyst for a new vision.

With vision, people have discipline, focus, and meaning for every activity.
A new image of the future is an adventure to go where you have never gone before, do what you have not done before and attempt to accomplish the impossible.

In the process, a leader is transformed from fearful to brave, doubting to believing, wavering to decisive, stalled to activated by faith.

A great leader's optimism helps them see more positive potential outcomes and not overgeneralize the negative. Someone once said of Abraham, a great leader from ancient times, as someone who "In hope against hope he believed" so that he could become a transformational leader and accomplish great things.

Your life as a leader is having a ripple effect as you engage people with a clean heart, clear conscience, and confident mind.
Every family member, each new client, a friend, and someone you meet as you go is a "ripple effect opportunity."

The impact of great leaders' lives exponentially grows as they remain faithful in the small beginnings. Our words can be encouraging "I know the plans I have for you... plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you hope and a future."

As you go, "make new" becomes the new story you write. "Behold, I am doing something new. Now it springs forth, do you not see it."

Recently, I heard someone say, "I see it! I see it now!"
They were awakened to the new chapter and resolving to write their story with a new theme.

So it is with us, my friends. Wherever we find ourselves on the journey of life and career, we see it as the new season for impact, joy, and growth.

You are in the right place at the right time, doing the right things.

You are here for such a time as this! What story are you writing?

Great leaders are bold, strong, and carry out great exploits!
