Greetings, Summit Leaders.

Many people seek the experience of a lifetime. Advertising attempts to portray it in ads and campaigns and catchy slogans.

Businesses promote the unique experience customers, and clients enjoy if they select their offerings and implement their solutions. The company that creates the "distinct experience" becomes the winner in the race for mindshare and market share.

Great companies seek to see what they do best from the perspective of those they serve. Great leaders seek to do the same thing.

The beauty of great leaders is their willingness to be a channel for others to learn from their failures and discoveries. Wise leaders seek to understand how experienced leaders accomplish great works.

Studying the principles of outstanding leadership requires patience and perseverance. It takes great effort. Someone once said, "Ask, and you receive what you need. Seek, and you will find what you are looking for and Knock, and it will be open to you."

How then can we create a distinctive experience? We first must experience it for ourselves to truly understand what is required.

Someone once said it is like finding a gold mine and deciding to devote yourself to this endeavor. Or like a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Think about the distinctive experience in your life and career journey.

What were the attributes that made it unique for you, your family, or customers?

Great leaders frequently take time to reflect on the distinctive experience.
We can discover, understand, and help others experience their "distinctive experience." Once we master this lifelong skill, our worth and impact become invaluable.

We see the lives of great leaders and great companies on display because others testify and promote the value of their service. Now is your time!

You will receive the favor and grace to co-create with our clients, friends, colleagues, and all you meet along our journey.

Our vision is to be the light of the world for all we serve. To be a group of leaders like a town built on a hill which all will see worldwide.

First, we examine our lives for the "distinct experience" characteristics, what causes them and how to recognize the opportunities for them on our life and career journey.

Everyone has a purpose for being born and our place of service where we are right now!

Here are some observations from great leaders seeking and finding "the distinct experience" in life and career.

1. Visualize your purpose and vision. Picture it in your thinking. If you were watching yourself in a movie, what would you see?
2. Mull it over. Think deeply about it. Why does it matter? As a man or woman thinks in the heart, so they are. Our brains have a default mode. When we don't focus our minds, our thinking wanders.
3. Try it on! Picture yourself in the moment of your exceptional experience. You wear it like a custom-made garment, just for you.
4. Pray over it. What actions do I need to take to make this my everyday experience?
5. Rehearse it. Repeatedly thinking through your life, purpose, vision makes it stick.

Believe it! The best is yet to be!
